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Tulippy work in progress


The next 3 months are going to be a wonderful overload of tulips for me, as I get work sorted for my exhibition, which starts 20th April this year. What a lovely thing to be buried in as Spring approaches here in the UK

I've got a whole sketchbook of ideas and designs for this theme, as I taught a workshop based on it last year, and have been using it as one of my themes whilst working with the year 2 Make it Personal students. In fact it was only with these head starts, that I was able to agree to put up an exhibition so quickly. This wasn't the next exhibition I had planned - that was Thoroughly Mid-Century Modern … but its good to learn to go with the flow at times. And this is an exhibition that was going to have to be done at some point - so why wait?

So above, is a spread from my sketchbook. A fabulous painting by Kandinsky on the left, and a collage by me, inspired by the colours on the right, and featuring huge 'blown' tulips. You know - when they are getting old in the vase they blow open and go bonkers! . The collage papers have been made on the gelli plate, using masks - a favourite techniques.

I decided this was a good page to try cropping some designs from, as below:

I tried two differnt proportions for the crops: a 2:1 and a 3:1. I like both, but opted for the larger designs, whcih I sized up to 40cm x 120cm each. Lovely and big

This meant I needed some long pieces of fabric or paper. Really I prefer layout paper for stitching these days, but I dint have any long enough. So these will be constructed from stencilled and dyed cotton fabric.

I love creating my own materials, and used my own designed and made stencils for these. And actually my own mixes of paint and dyes too - so pretty much bespoke!! And a bit gorgeous aren't they?

I love this point - designs done and materials made … all ready to go. Three large patterns and three large wool/viscose felt substrates, and I'm ready to start adding my fabric

Backgrounds first - long stencilled strips which I also quilted before starting on the exciting applique bits. Enormous restraint needed ... but worth it to avoid trying to quilt around all the appliqued shapes.

Middle panel all quilted (above)

Above is the quilted background of panel 2, with my enlarged pattern overlaid, so I can cut accurate pieces for the flowers and vase, and get the positions right. Often I don't bother with this stage, but at this size I find I struggle to see the proportions well, and can get it badly wrong by eye!

Once all the top pieces are in place, they are heat bonded down with the iron (I like heat n bond lite in preference to bondaweb for this)

All applique fixed and ready to machine embroider (above)

I love embroidering with my machine - and tend to work quite densely( above and reverse below) You can also see the squiggly stitched lines I used for my machine quilting in the background below .. a favourite linear stitch

The lovely jug got spirals ... not sure why ... they just appealed. I've shown the reverse as they are easier to see there

Slightly strange spiral (below) but who cares? Its lively and that's what I wanted. I guess I could have drawn it out and/or measured, but I would have lost interest before I'd finished. So this is fine for me

Middle piece all finished - and I'm happy with that. Wish there was a smiley or heart emoji here - I feel lost without them (laughing emoji needed here to indicate a little irony) )

Swiftly followed by piece 2

In the order they will hang (below) . And I have now finished the third panel and they are all ready to mount. No photos yet, as i need to find somewhere big enough to photograph them all together . So maybe next time

But in the meantime - no hanging about .. I'm onto designing the next piece ... which will be based on this photo of my kitchen windowsill last spring

Some first thoughts below

That feels a bit of a 'I did this and then I did that' sort of a blog. Well it is ... but hopefully interesting. Do ask if you want to know anything else - talk soon - Hilary xx

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5 comentarios

11 ene 2023

Great to see the process and to hear your thoughts, really looking forward to seeing them in person ☺️

Me gusta

11 ene 2023


Who else could make ‘ blown tulips’ so beautiful?

Amazing embroidery.

Process so interesting from start to finish.

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Miembro desconocido
11 ene 2023

An interesting and inspiring read, thank you for sharing your thought process and yummy photos ….can’t wait to see the exhibition 🦡

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10 ene 2023

As written before, I love your 3 large pieces with tulips, and now you are going to make 4. Wow! Looking forward to seeing them. Can´t wait to see them all in Birmingham!

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10 ene 2023

Brilliant loving seeing the progress on your exhibition pieces ❤️

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